…are twofold: to 1) bring our knowledge to society and 2) provide a common ground for the brainstorm and co-creation sessions. The interactive workshop consisted of a 30-minute laymen lecture…
…change. A specific example of a living lab activity is youth-led participatory action research, where adolescents identify issues they want to improve, conduct research to understand these issues and come…
…researchers achieve this. The science show must go on, but that is not possible without research data management as the secret star of the show. Images: – https://twitter.com/hlrdmp/status/1357368172568076288 – https://dataedo.com/kb/data-glossary/what-is-metadata…
…UMC, location VUmc) since 2018. In her PhD project, Ilse examines several mechanisms that underlie distinct developmental trajectories of social and antisocial behavior in emerging adulthood, with a specific focus…
…various social media platforms offer a place for self-discovery, social connection and support. Although the impact of enforced physical distancing may not be completely comparable with the struggles that marginalized…
…Within the project, special attention will be paid to reaching underrepresented youth. De Nationale Wetenschapsagenda (NWA) supports the project through a science communication grant of €150,000. Extending the youth participation…
…their peers and friends is especially important for adolescents, because it helps them to navigate through a more complex social world. This, in turn, helps them to develop into a…
…us have had questions like ‘who inspires you?’, ‘who do you look up to?’, or ‘who do you admire the most?’. They may sound as cliché questions, but the underlying…
…vragen die jullie hebben kunnen beantwoorden. Binnen ons lab willen we jullie input namelijk gebruiken om als onderzoekers de juiste onderzoeksvragen te stellen en andersom ook beter aan te sluiten…
…times. My PhD project is part of the longitudinal twin study of the Leiden Consortium on Individual Development in which we follow 250 twins from seven to 13 years old….