YoungXperts team receives grant for new project: Youth participation as a way to deal with a triple crisis

The current generation of adolescents faces a triple crisis: the Covid-19 crisis, the climate crisis and a social inequality crisis. These societal challenges are not limited by national borders but require global collaboration. Our young generation has to face this triple crisis. At the same time, this generation has the potential to lead as agents of change. In a two-year project, the YoungXperts team aims to involve adolescents in research and policy. Their aim is that this empowers adolescents to deal with and contribute to solutions of the triple crisis. Within the project, special attention will be paid to reaching underrepresented youth. De Nationale Wetenschapsagenda (NWA) supports the project through a science communication grant of €150,000.
Extending the youth participation platform YoungXperts
During the corona crisis, we developed the YoungXperts platform. In brainstorm sessions with adolescents, we shared scientific knowledge (the Facts), after which adolescents converted these facts into concrete actions (Take Actions). Actions that could improve the future of adolescents during the corona crisis. Adolescents were able to use our Instagram to see how they could improve their mental well-being. For example, we shared tips from adolescents on how they could seek as much support as possible from their social environment despite the corona measures. With the grant from NWA, we can develop this platform further. Together with youth organizations, we want to create a national online platform that can voice the needs and ideas of adolescents.
Reaching out to a diverse group of adolescents
We also aim to develop a strategy to involve underrepresented youth in scientific research. The fact that science does not reach all groups of adolescents is problematic in combating the triple crisis because these crises can only be addressed if everyone contributes. Finally, research often fails to reach those adolescents that are hit particularly hard by the Covid-19 and social inequality crises. The strategy to reach underrepresented youth is developed in close collaboration with youth organizations and important people around adolescents (so-called ‘key figures’ such as youth workers).
Collaboration between youth organizations, social partners and researchers
The project will start soon and runs for two years. The YoungXperts team is collaborating for this project with the University of Amsterdam (Dr. Thijs Bol) and Utrecht University (Prof. Dr. Sander Thomaes), various youth organizations (Nationale Jeugdraad, Jonge Klimaatbeweging, studenteninitatief Lieve Mark, Erasmus Verbindt), the program Maatschappelijke Diensttijd (MDT Op Zuid), the Municipality of Rotterdam and science museum NEMO.
Involved researchers:
Prof. Dr. Eveline Crone
Dr. Lysanne te Brinke
Kayla Green
Fabienne van Rossenberg
Suzanne van de Groep
Renske van der Cruijsen
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Mandeville Building T13
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
3062 PA Rotterdam, the Netherlands