Self Concept

How do adolescents’ views of themselves develop while they grow up?

Andrik Becht, Sabine Peters, Laura van der Aar, Jochem Spaans

Erasmus SYNC Lab presents: the Self-Concept Project
Erasmus SYNC Lab presents: the Self-Concept Project

How does adolescents’ self-concept develop and how do others play a role in getting to know the self?

The Self-Concept project is a sequential longitudinal study that combines hormone data, neuroimaging, behavioral experiments, observations, and questionnaires in adolescents between ages 9-22 to study self-concept development from a brain-behavior perspective.

In this study, we aim to answer several compelling questions related to self-concept because having a positive and stable concept of self is beneficial for mental wellbeing, goal setting, motivation, and necessary to make decisions about the future, such as study direction.

Interested in collaborating? A link to a meta-data file, describing all the Self-Concept measures can be found here. For collaborations, you can contact Yara Toenders:

All peer-reviewed publications from the Self-Concept project can be found here (sort by project Self Concept).

This project was funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO-VICI 453-14-001) awarded to Eveline Crone.



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