News CategoryBlogCitizen ScienceCOVID-19Diversity & InclusionNews & MediaOpen ScienceOutreachPerformance pressurePhD DefensePodcastResearchSYNC SpotlightUncategorized 17Mar2025 Aankondiging: Maatschappelijke Verdediging door Kayla Green 28Jan2025 SYNC & Movez podcast 29Nov2024 fMRI research at the Erasmus University 01Nov2024 PhD defense Kayla Green: “Becoming and Thriving in a Changing World” 04Oct2024 Boek: Generatie Zelfvertrouwen 01Jul2024 Who are our researchers and what motivates them? Read our new magazine SYNC Science Stories 18Jun2024 PhD defense Lina van Drunen: Rhythms of Resilience: Individual Differences in Genetic and Environmental Effects on Brain Development 12Jun2024 YoungXperts manifesto on the climate crisis 29Feb2024 YoungXperts presents manifesto on social inequality in education 25Jan2024 Check out how we made impact in the last year: SYNC wrapped 2023! 03Nov2023 PhD Defense Simone Dobbelaar: Helping me, helping you. Behavioral and neural development of social competence from childhood to adolescence 15Sep2023 How to optimize youth flourishing? An interview with Eveline Crone and Hilleke Hulshoff Pol in New Scientist Contact ADDRESS Erasmus University Rotterdam Mandeville Building T13 Burgemeester Oudlaan 50 3062 PA Rotterdam, the Netherlands